Raggy Anny

Raggy Anny will be joining dozens more artists from the Fabulous Travelling Bag Folk to take over the Greenbank Pub and have one hell of a party!

There will be a whole range of fantastic hand-felted jewellery available, created with thoughtful detail by Raggy Anny. Special effort is put into making these unique designs fit beautifully, using fine felt and a rainbow of contrasting colours to make them really stand out! As a finishing touch Raggy Anny adorns her wonderful creations with bright, eye-catching buttons which give her work such a fun, cute appeal.

Raggy Anny also produce some absoutely awesome pixie boots, complete with curly toes and heaps of magic! Available in all shapes, sizes and colours to suit whatever elf hides in you!

Aswell as looking spectacular they are stitched onto sturdy leather soles, are warm and breathable and best of all, will mold themselves perfectly to your feet!

To get your hands on some of these extremely original accessories pop along down to the Greenbank Pub on the 14th May and meet Raggy Anny, where you can find stripes, swirls and bold colours galore! In the meantime take a look at her etsy shop.