The Fabulous Travelling Bag Folk presents...

A fun-filled, action packed day of adventure and mayhem! We have brought together a number of artisans who live and work in the Bristol area, bringing to you a vintage handmade market with a wide variety of goodies. There are some truly awesome traders making an appearance who we will introduce to you over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out. 

Aside from the wonderful array of handmade textiles, accessories and artwork we will have wandering musicians and DJ's providing some circussy beats, clowns and theatrical performers will also be doing the circuit, facepainting and prizes for the best bearded-lady and most marvellous hat. There will be a giant wall for our guests to grafitti on and in the evening we will be throwing our glad-rags on and dancing through the night! 

So come along in your best fancy-dress and support your community artisans, this is just the first in a long line of fabulous events brought to you by the FTBF! 

Come and join our  Facebook event